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Friday, May 4th, 2007 11:51 AM
Masters Course At ASU is done!
   I took my final today for my Masters Course at ASU.  Everything went well and I am glad to be done with another semester at Arizona State University.  I have hit the halfway point for my Masters degree!  After all my years at the school, I can unequivocably say that going there has been a great source for strengthening my knowledge, persistence, and "go get em" attitude towards life in general.

I am eager to take a vacation this year.   Its been about 2 years since my last vacation (which I might add was only 3 working days).

Congratulations to any ASU students graduating this semester!

Comment by toast, Thursday, May 10th, 2007 9:11 AM
Thanks hill!
   Thanks Hill!  If you always shoot for A's, school will be much, much easier!

When are you going to Costa Rica?

Comment by hillary, Wednesday, May 9th, 2007 10:05 PM
   Yea! Good job Jimmy. I am glad that you and Brenna have set a great role model/ example for me. I really look up to that. I just got my grade for my Spanish102 class and I got an A. I must say that its hard to get an A in this teachers course. But for me it was cake because spanish is fun. Alsooooo I think I got an A in my communication class. I am not sure though because the teacher has to factor in the final and then participation. But on all of my presentations I have gotten A's on so we'll see!

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