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Paris Hilton wailing and crying back to jail
Author: Jay
Source: Jay
Paris Hilton was sent back to jail recently.  I think that she deserved what she got and it just goes to show how much of a child she is when she is screaming Mom, mom, mom when the judge told her to get her sorry butt back to jail.  In my opinion, they should have added 3 months community service to help out some of the needy children out there so might be enlightened about how her life is not so bad even if she has to sit in jail for 1.5 months.

Paris' sister should have also been forced to stay in the long lines at the jail to see Paris.

I think its the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a long time on the news, and what is more insane is the fact that everybody is talking about it.

The US law does get it right sometimes!

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