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Saturday, September 1st, 2007 9:33 PM
Trip to Fossil Creek, AZ
   Cassius and I took a trip down to Fossil Creek for Labor Day weekend.
We first came across a territorial crazy lady that thought she was going to have a campsite in the parking lot next to the creek.   Quite amusing. 

Fossil Creek Rapids

Then Cassius and I decided to brave the rapids of Fossil Creek.
Fossil Creek, AZ - before crossing

Here we go!  There were pirahna nibbling at our feet!
Crossing fossil creek

Fossil Creek - West Side

And after we crossed, Cassius splashed around in the water a bit and then it was time to go back to "the other side."  This time, I used dragonfly dung, extremely waterproof and an anti-pirahna repellent, to cross the rapids safely and at our own leisurely pace.
Fossil Creek - crossing back

It was yet another adventurous day in the life of Cassius and I.  After our adventure, cassius pointed to the "guy in the sky" and said "you da man, you da man."
Adventure Successful Cassius giving thanks - Fossil Creek
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