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Wednesday, October 17th, 2007 12:17 PM
Busy & Stargate Worlds
   Its been pretty busy lately.  Not much time for video games, not much time for watching Boston Legal, and just enough time to eat and go to sleep when I get home from work.

Cassius is really starting to progress in relation to his intelligence.  I am still waiting for him to say  "lets go to the park", but I do enjoy him spattering off "airmane" every 5 minutes when we are outside (we are along the flight path for the airplanes that come into Sky Harbor Airport).

I have played a couple video games lately, Bioshock and Tabula Rasa.  Bioshock is OK although I am sure I would enjoy it more if my video card had pixel 3.0 shader technology (normal water appears as oil).  There are a lot of repeat games out there for the past 5 years or so.  Coming out with pacman 50 times does not mean fresh.

The game I am really anticipating is Stargate Worlds, a science fiction MMORPG for all the stargate phreaks out there, as well as anyone else looking to get off the Dungeons and Dragons MMORPG bandwagon.  I can't wait to go blast the replicators and watch them dissolve to the ground.  Below is a screenshot:

Stargate Worlds - Cool World!
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