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Monday, December 10th, 2007 1:38 PM
Christmas lights, snowman, and Zoolights! Ho ho ho!
   Well I did not manage to get the christmas lights and snowman on Sunday.  The house was a mess with toys everywhere and bags from christmas shopping at Fiesta Mall in Mesa, AZ. 

Almost everyone in the neighborhood has their lights out and they all seem to have the same "deer taking a sip of fresh lake" or "deer taking a  sip of fresh river" water or "deer taking a sip of fresh ponded rainwater." And then....AND THEN...the neighbor just recently put up a blowup candycane snowman.  At least our blowup snowman does not have the candycane.

My cousin set up musical lights at his house.  They are cool and I now do not need to go see zoo lights this year.  I think the only thing missing are the fornicating animals lights at zoolights (for those that have not been to zoolights before, they have lights of animals in pairs and they all look like they are doing the wild thang).

Merry Christmas to all.
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