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Friday, August 4th, 2006 2:02 PM
Video gaming Friday has arrived!
   Finally friday has arrived.  It has been a very busy work week, project development week, and miscellaneous errands week.

I have jotted down more notes for design and am constantly sending myself feedback emails, because I know I will forget about all my great development ideas 2 minutes after I repeat it 3 times to myself so I remember it.  So much to do in so little time....I need to recruit some others to help out with the development of this website.

There were a slew of birthdays in July;  I was tired of going out a few times a week for dinner to celebrate all the birthdays.  Now it is August and there are just a few, so I am glad about that.

I started playing video games again;  At times it seems like an addiction, but it is much different now because gone are the carefree days at Arizona State University where I coasted off of grants each semester and had non-class time to do whatever I pleased.  Now I am playing in short bursts, as work beckons each morning.  It is a good thing though, because people can get lost in the alternate reality of a video game not realize that a couple years have passed and all they have done is live inside a video game.  I started multiplayer video games with online BBS in Arizona playing 4 player Doom2, Descent, and progressively moved on to Everquest.  I feel an urge to enter game tournaments for the first person shooter games, as I always manage to dominate other players online.  It would be a hobby with rewards besides personal satisfaction, so why not?
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