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Tuesday, August 15th, 2006 2:24 PM
Busy programming, blogging, and developing
   The past month has been a blur;  I have been programming almost nonstop during every day, and programming additional features for blogs, photos, music and the news sections of  And to top it all off, I am adding a night course at Arizona State University.

I figure it is best to finish my masters degree while I have the chance;  As the window is closing.  I am not interested in retaking entrance exams to get back into ASU later, as I already have my bachelors degree in computer science at ASU and wish to choose the path of least test resistance.

Went to my nephew Logan's birthday party on Saturday and it was fun;  He had everything already that I would normally think to get for him - video games, a go kart, tons of lego type toys.  So I ended up getting him a couple dragons in an egg.  Logan REALLY likes dragons, but if its a gryphon (whats the difference anyways?) he will disown it and possibly you for getting it for him.

Cassius is growing up fast.  He is 4 months old and already into his 1 year old clothes.  I have to start planning on full proofing the house because he is getting closer to the crawl stage.  He stopped cooing all the time;  Now it is a prerequisite that I coo to him in order to start the coonversation.
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