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Saturday, August 26th, 2006 10:43 AM
Saturday is my friend
   So I am finally getting a new washer.   The one we had decided to die on us, and I am too lazy to bother with trying to fix the appliance.  We decided to go to Spencers in downtown Mesa.  I would have like to have tried Mesa Discount, but honestly I do not have the luxury of trying every appliance store nearby to find the best price and save just a few bucks.

I started my new class at ASU.   It is called Computation Pharmacogenomics;  It is the study of the drugs and the effect they have on the human genome - the effect on a set of genes, rather than a single gene.  It is very interesting as I have always wanted to develop some nanotechnology to combat diseases, and this seems like a good base from which to start!

House prices in Arizona are going down, and I would like to move to the Tempe area when the time is right.  There is much to do within a small radius, and much more exciting than the mundane life in Mesa.  They are almost finished putting up a Waffle House near me;  This is a prime example of how the City of Mesa destroys land property value and keeps the city inundated with low wage jobs.  They approve a bunch of junky franchise restaurants and there is no big money buildings/businesses that are around or want to be around.  Does no one see that in East Mesa, there are 4 breakfast restaurants like IHOP, Dennys, etc every square mile?  This is good for the senior citizens, but bad for city business growth.
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