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Friday, June 22nd, 2007 5:34 PM
private blog
   this is a private blog
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Tuesday, June 19th, 2007 3:08 PM
Blogs with images
   Cassius all messy eating cake

Here is Cassius all messy from eating his 1st birthday cake.
What a mess!  He is a great boy!  Walking all over the place and headbutting people he loves for fun.

And here is an older picture of him riding his jeep!
Cassius in his Jeep Cherokee
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Friday, May 4th, 2007 11:51 AM
Masters Course At ASU is done!
   I took my final today for my Masters Course at ASU.  Everything went well and I am glad to be done with another semester at Arizona State University.  I have hit the halfway point for my Masters degree!  After all my years at the school, I can unequivocably say that going there has been a great source for strengthening my knowledge, persistence, and "go get em" attitude towards life in general.

I am eager to take a vacation this year.   Its been about 2 years since my last vacation (which I might add was only 3 working days).

Congratulations to any ASU students graduating this semester!
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Sunday, December 31st, 2006 4:34 PM
The New Year is near
   So we are on the eve of a new year.  Things are on an upswing.  I am looking forward to getting more into my personal ambitions and goals this year, while maintaining honor and respect for others around me. 

It is a new year of recognizing that this world is more than just the area that I live in.  It is the people of the entire world, and for every day we have to live and experience life, I am very fortunate.

Happy New Year to All!
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Friday, October 27th, 2006 12:01 PM
Linux Apache Mysql PHP Smarty (LAMPS)
   I have come up with a new acronym for a web application server setup.  Its called LAMPS.  Yes it is the same as LAMP, but with Smarty integrated into the configuration.  Anyone who creates a halfway decent web application has some sort of underlying template system involved, and Smarty is the best of the best as far as I am concerned.  I did check out a few other template systems, but Smarty had the best support and was easily the most versatile template system out there. 

By the way, uses LAMPS.

Have a good weekend to all that read this!
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