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Friday, September 29th, 2006 10:40 AM
Friday is here, again!
   So today is Friday again.  I have not checked out for awhile, and I was glad to see that it is being used.
Life has been incredibly busy and there is just too much to do and too little time to do it all.  In comes super nanny.  I am hoping to hire a nanny to take care of my boy;  It is good to have interaction at Tutor Time with other little babies, but its not much of a learning environment.

He should be brought up with a few different languages (beyond english and spanish).
That is all for now, time is short and I must get back to work.
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Wednesday, August 30th, 2006 1:36 PM
Waiting for the mySQL database
   I am performing database changes on a mySQL database at work.   Because of the sheer volume of records in the database, preprocessing of the data is required in order to have it function efficiently and fast. I've done everything else I can do that I can (the database processing is slowing down the workstation to a point where I cannot use it for other programming tasks.

Everything else is A OK.
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Saturday, August 26th, 2006 10:43 AM
Saturday is my friend
   So I am finally getting a new washer.   The one we had decided to die on us, and I am too lazy to bother with trying to fix the appliance.  We decided to go to Spencers in downtown Mesa.  I would have like to have tried Mesa Discount, but honestly I do not have the luxury of trying every appliance store nearby to find the best price and save just a few bucks.

I started my new class at ASU.   It is called Computation Pharmacogenomics;  It is the study of the drugs and the effect they have on the human genome - the effect on a set of genes, rather than a single gene.  It is very interesting as I have always wanted to develop some nanotechnology to combat diseases, and this seems like a good base from which to start!

House prices in Arizona are going down, and I would like to move to the Tempe area when the time is right.  There is much to do within a small radius, and much more exciting than the mundane life in Mesa.  They are almost finished putting up a Waffle House near me;  This is a prime example of how the City of Mesa destroys land property value and keeps the city inundated with low wage jobs.  They approve a bunch of junky franchise restaurants and there is no big money buildings/businesses that are around or want to be around.  Does no one see that in East Mesa, there are 4 breakfast restaurants like IHOP, Dennys, etc every square mile?  This is good for the senior citizens, but bad for city business growth.
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Tuesday, August 15th, 2006 2:24 PM
Busy programming, blogging, and developing
   The past month has been a blur;  I have been programming almost nonstop during every day, and programming additional features for blogs, photos, music and the news sections of  And to top it all off, I am adding a night course at Arizona State University.

I figure it is best to finish my masters degree while I have the chance;  As the window is closing.  I am not interested in retaking entrance exams to get back into ASU later, as I already have my bachelors degree in computer science at ASU and wish to choose the path of least test resistance.

Went to my nephew Logan's birthday party on Saturday and it was fun;  He had everything already that I would normally think to get for him - video games, a go kart, tons of lego type toys.  So I ended up getting him a couple dragons in an egg.  Logan REALLY likes dragons, but if its a gryphon (whats the difference anyways?) he will disown it and possibly you for getting it for him.

Cassius is growing up fast.  He is 4 months old and already into his 1 year old clothes.  I have to start planning on full proofing the house because he is getting closer to the crawl stage.  He stopped cooing all the time;  Now it is a prerequisite that I coo to him in order to start the coonversation.
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Friday, August 4th, 2006 2:02 PM
Video gaming Friday has arrived!
   Finally friday has arrived.  It has been a very busy work week, project development week, and miscellaneous errands week.

I have jotted down more notes for design and am constantly sending myself feedback emails, because I know I will forget about all my great development ideas 2 minutes after I repeat it 3 times to myself so I remember it.  So much to do in so little time....I need to recruit some others to help out with the development of this website.

There were a slew of birthdays in July;  I was tired of going out a few times a week for dinner to celebrate all the birthdays.  Now it is August and there are just a few, so I am glad about that.

I started playing video games again;  At times it seems like an addiction, but it is much different now because gone are the carefree days at Arizona State University where I coasted off of grants each semester and had non-class time to do whatever I pleased.  Now I am playing in short bursts, as work beckons each morning.  It is a good thing though, because people can get lost in the alternate reality of a video game not realize that a couple years have passed and all they have done is live inside a video game.  I started multiplayer video games with online BBS in Arizona playing 4 player Doom2, Descent, and progressively moved on to Everquest.  I feel an urge to enter game tournaments for the first person shooter games, as I always manage to dominate other players online.  It would be a hobby with rewards besides personal satisfaction, so why not?
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