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Saturday, August 14th, 2010 1:35 PM
Cassius Playing Way Too Much Sonic The Hedgehog
   We got a Sega Dreamcast on our trip in July through the Northwest.  A woman from Calgary was very kind to give us this, as her children are all older now and didn't play it anymore.

Cassius plays Sonic Advernture 1 and 2 for hours upon end and boy, when you tell him no more video games, its big trouble!
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Thursday, November 19th, 2009 10:35 AM
VBulletin Login bridge (PHP Curl Post not necessary) using AJAX
   Recently I was tasked with creating a Vbulletin login bridge on a website that is on a LAMP (Linux Apache Mysql PHP) webserver.

The problem:

Given a website, lets call it, it was a pain to have to login to with one user/pass, and then have to go to the vbulletin forum and have to login a second time with a user/pass.

Upon logging into, I needed the system to automatically login to the VBulletin forum.  I tried a CURL post originally, but the cookies did not pass through properly.

The solution:

First, upon registration on, you need to create a corresponding user on  Here is what I used (I am sure some of settings for the user fields may vary for your particular case):
// Get alphanumeric string, then take the first three characters and use them for the vbulletin salt.
$salt = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 3);
$sql = "INSERT INTO user (usergroupid, username, password, passworddate, email, showvbcode, showbirthday, usertitle, joindate, options, salt, lastvisit) VALUES (2, '$_POST[nickname]', MD5(CONCAT(MD5('$_POST[password]'), '$salt')), CURRENT_DATE, '$_POST[email]', 1,0,'Junior Member',".time().",45096023,'$salt',".time().")";

Next, my solution  was achieved by using the AJAX function below (note that the "url" variable in the function below will vary depending upon how you set up vBulletin - just make sure its properly pathed to the vbulletin login.php file):

function vBulletin_login(user, md5pass)
    xmlHttp = getXMLHttpObject();
    if (xmlHttp==null)
        alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");

    var url="/forum/login.php";
    var poststr = "do=login" +
                  "&url=%2Fforum%2Findex.php" +
                  "&vb_login_md5password=" + md5pass +
                  "&vb_login_username="+ user +
                  "&cookieuser=1&s=&securitytoken=guest" +

    var t;


    function performTask()
   xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
   xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", poststr.length);
   xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

   return false;

And here is an example of how PHP code can be used to call the vbulletin AJAX function after logging into
// 1) Perform any operations related to logging into that you may have such as setting session data, etc.

// 2) Call ajax function vBulletin_login(user, md5pass)
$content .=
<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/admin/javascript/ajax_functions.js\"></script>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
vBulletin_login('".$vbulletinUsername."', '".md5($vbulletinPassword)."');
You are now logged into, as well as the vbulletin forum on

// Display HTML/script page, which executes AJAX vbulletin login function.
echo $content;

And thats it!  Hope this helps someone out there!
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Friday, August 7th, 2009 4:37 PM
Family Heirlooms... WWF Style
   I thought these were long gone, but no!  Originally owned my brother and I, they were given to my cousin awhile back, and now that he is older, they are being handed down to my son.  Pictured below are George "The Animal" Steele, Nikolai Volkov, and Randy "Macho Man" Savage.  They still bounce and kartwheel the same as when I was a child.  AHHH YEAH!

George The Animal Steele, Nikolai Volkov, and Randy Macho Man Savage
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Friday, August 7th, 2009 4:28 PM
Cassius And I at the Queen Mary
   We arrived at our second stop of the Haunted Tour this year - The Queen Mary in California.
I look at this boat and its amazing how big it is and to think it was build in the 1930s.
Seems like we should be much further along with space travel than we are.

We stepped into the supposed paranormal vortex in the ladys changing room near the pool on the lower level of the ship, and I didn't notice any cold spots or feel weird.  There was a strange smell but I think somebody pooted.

Queen Mary in California, Cassius and I
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Tuesday, June 30th, 2009 1:36 PM
Cassius Corn Photo
   This one reminded me of the c-monster.

Cassius Corn
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